
PhantasmaAPI is a class in the Unity SDK that provides an abstraction layer for making API calls and requests to the Phantasma blockchain for fetching data.


  • public readonly string Host;: The host URL of the Phantasma API.


  • public PhantasmaAPI(string host);: Initializes a new PhantasmaAPI instance with the specified host URL.


  • public IEnumerator GetAccount(string addressText, Action<Account> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves account details for a given address.

  • public IEnumerator GetAccounts(string[] addresses, Action<Account[]> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves account details for an array of addresses.

  • public IEnumerator LookUpName(string name, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves an address associated with a registered name.

  • public IEnumerator GetAuctionsCount(string chainAddressOrName, string symbol, Action<int> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the count of active auctions for a specific token symbol on a given chain.

  • public IEnumerator GetAuctions(string chainAddressOrName, string symbol, uint page, uint pageSize, Action<Auction[], int, int, int> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a list of active auctions for a specific token symbol on a given chain, with pagination.

  • public IEnumerator GetAuction(string chainAddressOrName, string symbol, string IDtext, Action<Auction> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves an auction by its ID for a specific token symbol on a given chain.

  • public IEnumerator GetBlockHeight(string chainInput, Action<int> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the current block height for a given chain.

  • public IEnumerator GetBlockTransactionCountByHash(string blockHash, Action<int> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the transaction count for a block, given its hash.

  • public IEnumerator GetBlockByHash(string blockHash, Action<Block> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a block by its hash.

  • public IEnumerator GetRawBlockByHash(string blockHash, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the raw block data as a string, given a block hash.

  • public IEnumerator GetBlockByHeight(string chainInput, uint height, Action<Block> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a block by its height on a given chain.

  • public IEnumerator GetRawBlockByHeight(string chainInput, uint height, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the raw block data as a string, given a block height on a specified chain.

  • public IEnumerator GetLatestBlock(string chainInput, Action<Block> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the latest block on a

    given chain.

  • public IEnumerator GetRawLatestBlock(string chainInput, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the raw data of the latest block on a given chain as a string.

  • public IEnumerator GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(string blockHash, int index, Action<Transaction> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a transaction by its index in a block, given the block hash.

  • public IEnumerator GetChains(Action<Chain[]> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves all chains available in the Phantasma network.

  • public IEnumerator GetContract(string contractName, Action<Contract> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a contract by its name.

  • public IEnumerator GetContracts(Action<Contract> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves all contracts available in the Phantasma network.

  • public IEnumerator GetNexus(Action<Nexus> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the Phantasma Nexus details.

  • public IEnumerator GetOrganization(string ID, Action<Organization> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves an organization by its ID.

  • public IEnumerator GetOrganizationByName(string name, Action<Organization> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves an organization by its name.

  • public IEnumerator GetOrganizations(Action<Organization[]> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves all organizations available in the Phantasma network.

  • public IEnumerator GetLatestSaleHash(Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the latest crowdsale hash.

  • public IEnumerator GetSale(string hashText, Action<Crowdsale> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a crowdsale by its hash.

  • public IEnumerator GetToken(string symbol, Action<Token> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a token by its symbol.

  • public IEnumerator GetTokens(Action<Token[]> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves all tokens available in the Phantasma network.

  • public IEnumerator GetTokenData(string symbol, string IDtext, Action<TokenData> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves token data for a specific token ID.

  • public IEnumerator GetNFT(string symbol, string IDtext, Action<TokenData> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves an NFT by its symbol and ID.

  • public IEnumerator GetNFTs(string symbol, string[] IDtext, Action<TokenData[]> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves multiple NFTs by their symbols and IDs.

  • public IEnumerator GetTokenBalance(string account, string tokenSymbol, string chainInput = "main", Action<Balance> callback = null, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the token balance of a specific account, given the token symbol and chain (default: main).

  • public IEnumerator GetAddressTransactions(string addressText, uint page, uint pageSize, Action<Account, int, int> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves transactions associated with a specific address with pagination.

  • public IEnumerator GetAddressTransactionCount(string addressText, string chainInput, Action<int> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves the transaction count for a specific address on a given chain.

  • public IEnumerator SendRawTransaction(string txData, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Sends a raw transaction with the provided data.

  • public IEnumerator InvokeRawScript(string chainInput, string scriptData, Action<Script> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Invokes a raw script on a given chain.

  • public IEnumerator GetTransaction(string hashText, Action<Transaction> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves a transaction by its hash.

  • public IEnumerator GetValidators(Action<Validator[]> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves all validators in the Phantasma network.

  • public IEnumerator GetArchive(string hashText, Action<Archive> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Retrieves an archive by its hash.

  • public IEnumerator WriteArchive(string hashText, int blockIndex, string blockContent, Action<Boolean> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Writes an archive block with specified content and index.

  • public IEnumerator ReadArchive(string hashText, int blockIndex, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Reads an archive block by its index.

  • public IEnumerator SignAndSendTransaction(PhantasmaKeys keys, string nexus, byte[] script, string chain, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Signs and sends a transaction using the provided keys, nexus, script, and chain.

  • public IEnumerator SignAndSendTransactionWithPayload(PhantasmaKeys keys, string nexus, byte[] script, string chain, string payload, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null);: Signs and sends a transaction with an additional payload using the provided keys, nexus, script, and chain.

  • public IEnumerator SignAndSendTransactionWithPayload(IKeyPair keys, string nexus, byte[] script, string chain, byte[] payload, Action<string> callback, Action<EPHANTASMA_SDK_ERROR_TYPE, string> errorHandlingCallback = null, Func<byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]> customSignFunction = null);: Signs and sends a transaction with an additional byte array payload using the provided keys, nexus, script, and chain. Allows for a custom signing function.

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