
Transfer Tokens

A contract that takes a payment in tokens from a user. Showcases how to transfer tokens and how to use macro $THIS_ADDRESS to obtain address of the contract.

contract test {
	import Runtime;
	import Token;

	public paySomething(from:address, quantity:number)
		Runtime.expect(Runtime.isWitness(from), "witness failed");

		local price: number = 10;
		price *= quantity;

		local thisAddr:address = $THIS_ADDRESS;
		Token.transfer(from, thisAddr, "SOUL", price);

		// TODO after payment give something to 'from' address

Token Flags

There are also some built-in enums, like TokenFlags.

contract test {
	import Runtime;
	import Token;

	public paySomething(from:address, amount:number, symbol:string)
		Runtime.expect(Runtime.isWitness(from), "witness failed");

		local flags:TokenFlags := Token.getFlags(symbol);

		if (flags.isSet(TokenFlags.Fungible)) {
			local thisAddr:address := $THIS_ADDRESS;
			Token.transfer(from, thisAddr, "SOUL", price);

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