
Default usage

Simple contract that shows how to use strings and built-in type methods, string.length() in this specific case.

contract test {
	global val: string;

		val = "hello";
		val += " world";

	public getLength():number
		return val.length();

String Manipulation

The compiler supports casting strings into number arrays (unicode values) and number arrays back to strings.

contract test {
	import Array;
	public toUpper(s:string):string 
		local my_array: array<number>;		
		// extract chars from string into an array
		my_array := s.toArray();	
		local length :number := Array.length(my_array);
		for (local i = 0; i<length; i+=1)
			local ch : number := my_array[i];
			if (ch >= 97) {
				if (ch <= 122) {				
					my_array[i] := ch - 32; 
		// convert the array back into a unicode string
		local result:string := String.fromArray(my_array); 
		return result;

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