
Properties such as

  1. name: The name of the Token.

  2. symbol: Symbol of the token, should be equal to the token declaration.

  3. isBurnable: To tell if you can mint it.

  4. isFinite: If it is finite

  5. isFungible: If is Fungible (If it is an NFT, should be equals to false)

  6. maxSupply: The maximum supply of that token

  7. isTransferable: Allow the NFT/Token to be transfered.

  8. isCapped: If there's a Cap.

  9. decimals: The number of decimals

  10. owner: The owner of the contract.

property name: string = "Example";
property symbol: string = "EXP";
property isBurnable: bool = true;
property isFinite: bool = true;
property isFungible: bool = false;
property maxSupply: number = 10000;
property isTransferable: bool = true;
property isCapped: bool = false;
property decimals:number = 8;
property owner:address = _owner;

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