Sending a transaction

After sending the transaction, you might receive a popup on the wallet that you're using to allow the transaction to go through.

Need help understanding how to create a Script ( a call to a blockchain to execute a chain of commands ) ? Check the following page.

pageCreate a Script

The signTx is the method that will call the Wallet for the user to accept or reject the transaction.

import { PhantasmaLink, ScriptBuilder, Address, Base16 } from 'phantasma-ts';

let gasPrice = 100000;
let gasLimit = 210000;

// Link variable is from the Connect to the Wallet example.

if (!Link.account) {
    // Account not logged in.

const from = Address.FromText(String(Link.account.address));

const payload = Base16.encode('Example.' + contractName);
const sb = new ScriptBuilder();
const myScript = sb.AllowGas(from, Address.Null, gasPrice, gasLimit)
    .CallContract(contractName, contractMethod, args)

Link.signTx(myScript, payload, async function (txHash) {
function () {
    // Error On Sending the transaction.

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