import {PhantasmaKeys, Transaction} from 'phantasma-ts';
const NexusName = "testnet"; // Could also be simnet or mainnet
const ChainName = "main"; // Since we only have the main chain, it's always main.
let payload = Base16.encode("Phantasma-NodeJS"); // This is what going to appear on the explorer and on the wallet.
let expiration: Date = new Date(Date.UTC(
new Date().getUTCFullYear(),
new Date().getUTCMonth(),
new Date().getUTCDate(),
new Date().getUTCHours() + 1,
new Date().getUTCMinutes() + 10,
new Date().getUTCSeconds() + 10
let transaction = new Transaction(
NexusName, //Nexus Name
ChainName, //Chain
myScript, //In string format
expiration, //Date Object
payload //Extra Info to attach to Transaction in Serialized Hex
Sign a Transaction
Now we need to sign the transaction if we want it to be accepted by the blockchain.
import {PhantasmaKeys} from 'phantasma-ts';
let wif = ""; // WIF of your wallet
let keys = PhantasmaKeys.fromWIF(wif);
let transactionSignedBytes = transaction.toString(true);