🛠️Build the Chain & Run the Node

Dive into the specifics of getting the chain up and running on your machine!

Install the chain

  1. Download / clone the repository https://github.com/phantasma-io/phantasma-ng

  2. Extract it (if you downloaded)

  3. Go to the folder and open a terminal there

  4. Run

    dotnet publish

That's it, you have the compiler ready!

Now you can add it to the path.

Compiling the docker

  1. Run the command accordingly to your operating system.

    ./build-docker.sh // Linux
    ./build-docker-windows.bat // Windows
    ./build-docker-macos-arm64.sh // MacOS ARM64
    ./build-docker-macos-amd64.sh // MacOS AMD64
  2. After the command run, you can go to the docker hub and see your new image there.

Running the Chain

To run the chain there's to possible way's, from the terminal or from the Docker UI

Docker UI

Inside the Docker Desktop, after building the docker image, go to Images

On Images, selected the desired image and Run

Configure the docker container with an identical configuration

Now you'll have your chain instance running!

How can I check that it's live?

Go to this url

If it returns something like this, it should be working!


After compiling the docker image, you can run the chain with this command.

Depending on the OS that you're using, you can run the command accordingly

# For Windows

# For Linux / MacOS (Intel)

# For Linux ARM64/ MacOS

How can I check that it's live?

Go to this url

If it returns something like this, it should be working!

Last updated